Friday, January 1, 2010

Pay 2 Play

The company is on Life-Support. I'm afraid it's time to pull the plug. I have not been paid since October.
The last time I went, I made 30cents and hour.
This is NOT China! And I am not indentured.
Pay 2 Play.
I told her that I would work if she starts the pay-as-y0u-go plan; meaning, I expect a check for each day's work when I get there. AND I offered to be patient as she makes "good faith" effort to catch up on her arrears.
She agreed.
She asked me to go last Tuesday.
On Monday night I went to the office to check the manifest.
No check!

No Check!
I called the agent on "night phone":
"I'm not going to Grand Canyon tomorrow morning. I don't know what you'll do. "
"I'll call D--- and call you back".
"Fine. But explain plainly that I'm not going"
Ring. Ring. Ring.
"hello, this is Paul".
"D --- promises there will be a check in the bag when you get there in the morning".
Magically, there was a check in the trip bag when I got there, so I went to Grand Canyon. ...



So I went.

Shawn, a bartender from Long Island, with his girlfriend, Elise.

Nan, a "teacher's mentor" in Chicago. She was very nice to visit with during the day. She "came up" through the ranks in her district and is now on "full release" - meaning she has no classroom commitment - except to new teachers. She suggested I look for "Mentor Teacher" programs. We'll see.

A retired Russian couple from Toronto.

Five members of a Philipino family from LA.

Today's group was not "memorable", but they were no trouble and they paid me a total of $95. And the indians gave me $50 commissions. .... and, the heli was cancelled by snow, but I would have made $30. Plus Donnita didn't call my bluff and left me a check for $170.

RES Horses ==

Let it Snow. Let it Snow. Let it Snow!

This hasn't been a bad gig, but I guess all good things must end . If this isn't the end, we're pretty clost to it. -- in this case, "not with a bang but a whimper".