Monday, September 7, 2009

Sat. Sept. 5 --- Trip 156

Trip 156. This group - almost all Americans - remembered to tip the driver. That's always better. (Totalled only $60. Should have been better, but I expected worse). Even the Mexican students paid me $10 each and appreciated me.

First pickup: Two university students from Mexico

This is a petroglyph I found in Monument Valley. Carved over 1000 years ago, by an Anazazi guy who hunted big-horn sheep. The anazazi vanished without a trace around 1300 A.D. The Navajo call them "The 'Violent' Ones" because so many ancient arrowheads and spearpoints are found in their artifacts. They were little people. None more than 52 inches tall.

Next pickup: A Miami Jewler, his wife and daughter ( This shot is at DeserView, looking over the Colorado River.)

Next pickup: Civil Engineer with his Realtor Wife from New Orleans
( I call this place the "Temple of Durgas" for the formation in the distant background. Next time I have Hindus with me, I'll explain.)

Also had a couple from Hong Kong, whom we left in Sedona. His name was Alex. He must have been 6'4". Their English was good but they were very quiet. (Asians NEVER tip.)

The three from Miami, together with the N.O. couple were scheduled for helicopter flights. I earn $10 commission for each person I deliver to the airport.. For most of the day, the weather was fine.... Disaster struck when we got to the airport: a sudden lightening cell popped up, cancelled all flights and I earned nothing. The flyers kept a good attitude about it.

When we left Grand Canyon, we picked up a Science Teacher from New Jersey who had spent two days in the park.

One of the times I enjoy the trips is when the various groups are genial and make friends among themselves... On the way home, we end up being a group of friends having a three hour visit. We talk about family, home, politics, jobs, whatever. That's fun.
We have been "modern" human beings for what, 100,000 years? Think about it, all of human history is represented in the top 1 1/2 inches of Grand Canyon. We're very small. The days of our lives are like grass that grows with the morning mist and is burnt up by the noon sun. There's really no time for stress. The canyon is so big, that from a single vista, one can see several weather patterns.
Ivan, the Science teacher, was dropped off last, because his hotel was so much further from the others. He must have been shy. After everyone else was off the bus, we had a fantastic, exciting talk on the way to his hotel about all the lessons he could teach from Grand Canyon.

Never write-off someone who is quiet and carries a lesser presence! His parents moved to New Jersey from Russia when he was 13. He is now 33 and teaches science and math in the same school where he struggled as a child. Totally enthusiastic and appreciative about his career and his opportunity to share the American Dream! More than happy to pay taxes and contribute to society. Damnit, this is the immigrants we want and need!

What part of "illegal' do I not understand about immigration? I don't understand the part where the haters think "Legal" = "Right". Those same lunatics who quote Jefferson "The tree of Liberty must be occasionally watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots," don't realize they have BECOME the tyrants. Jefferson and all 55 of the other signers of the Declaration knew that what the Crown had declared "Legal" just wasn't "Right".
Nice to meet you Ivan. Thank you for what you're doing in New Jersey. I hope to meet you again.


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