Friday, October 16, 2009


At one of the worst possible times, the memory card in my camera died. So, there are no photos from Tuesday.
Robert and Virginia
Forty-nine years ago this week, Robert married the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Now he's a white-haired wire-rimmed General Motors retiree who still holds the hand of the prettiest girl he knows. They call their three daughters their "Three-Graces".
Bob is an old New England Irishmen who still believes that honesty, hard work, and determiniation lead to success. He was one of those workers who was loyal to his company, never called in sick, always gave General Motors his best work, volunteered in his church, and was a good member of the Knights of Columbus. The big event of the week was bowling night.
The world around him has changed so much that he falls for the cynical bumper sticker politics of people like Sarah Palin. Forgive him and don't argue with him.
Virginia is a little Irish grandmother, less than 5 feet tall, but don't mess with her. One of those cracker jack grandmothers who is not afraid to tell her three graces - and anyone else- what they should do.
He teased Virginia all day, but held her hand every chance he got and when he nodded off to sleep on the way home Virginia's head was on his shoulder.
Bob knows he's blessed.
Go, Bob and Virginia. You rock. All you need is love.
Timothy and Michelle
Two forty-somethings from New York who met on E-harmony.
Their hearts have been broken. They went through everything painful. They raised their children. Neither of them wanted to grow old alone. They each found the courage to sign up for E-harmony. They found each other. They were married on October 9. On their honeymoon they went to Grand Canyon with me.
Go Tim and Michelle! You rock! All you need is love.
Kyle and Tawny
Kyle is from Praetoria, South Africa. He's 19. He has a head full of curls like the boy from Blue Lagoon. He's starting University in January for Marketing.
Tawny is AmerAsian: beautiful onyx eyes and black silk hair. She's 20. She's a Junior in Child Psychology.
They met last summer when they worked as counselors at a camp for underprivileged children in Pennsylvania.
Kyle came to meet her parents. She's going to Africa next week.
At the church in Sedona, Kyle and Tawny lit a candle and held hands. I so wanted a picture but my camera couldn't zoom from that far away and I was afraid to bother them by getting closer. I have the picture in my heart and plan to tell this story.
Young love! There's nothing like it! So full of hope! Maybe they'll be like Bob and Virginia - or maybe they'll be like Tim and Michelle. Hopefully they won't be alone.
Kyle spent all day teasing Tawny like boys do to girls, but when Robert napped with Virginia on his shoulder Kyle was asleep on Tawny's lap. That's the way it works.
Go Kyle and Tawny! You Rock! All you need is love.

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