Saturday, October 10, 2009

All's well that ends

There are days when no individual is the MOST difficult. It's just so many little aggravations add up to a big pain in the ass - like chiggers.
I hate it when I get to my very first stop in the morning and hear:
"Oh, we'll be ready in a minute. We're just waiting for our muffin."
Is there anything more rude? Did you think you booked a private tour? Do you think that 10 other people should be waiting for your muffin?
I said, "Well, you knew what time I would be here, and you're adults, so, don't be angry when I tell every other person I pick up that you made me late". Then I followed through with my threat. EVERY person on the bus heard about "The-Muffin-That-Made-Us-Late"

Robert and Susan are very nice people. It was just the idea that they couldn't keep on schedule - at all - at every stop - that was a pain in the ass. After 15 hours, those minutes add up.
Robert is an attorney in S. Carolina. Susan is a retired technical-ed. instructor.
They live on the land Robert's ancestors settled in 1730.
They live with a 99 year old black man who was born on that land and whose grandfather was "owned" by Robert's great grandfather. What an interesting relationship. They were fun to talk to and I wish I could visit them in S. Carolina.
Robert is President of an international organization of lawyers in alcohol recovery. He has been in "recovery "15 years. Congratulations. His quote, "Alcoholism is the only disease that says, ' you don't have me' ".
Second Pickup:
It was Connie's 60th Birthday. Happy Birthday, Connie.
Unfortunately, Connie thought that because it was her birthday she got Shot-gun next to the driver. Except she wanted her husband and son with her, where Muffin-Man and Wife were already sitting. Muffin-man didn't get the hint, so Connie sat in the back, with husband, Richard and son, Shane.
"I hope I don't get motion sickness back here". - she threatened.

(Duh - all the more reason I wouldn't want her in shotgun)

As I am a nice person, and as it's not Connie's fault that she's dumb as an inbred Coon Dog, I did my best to be patient with her.
Son, Shane, lives in Tempe and spent the day enduring his parents on his mother's 60th birthday.

Husband, Richard, was loving, generous, kind to her. He bought her a necklace that was probably $300 at the Navajo Res. but forgot to use the "discount coupon" I gave him (which gets ME a 5% commission). Chiggers I tell ya'! It's like chiggers!
Richard flew Cobra Helicopters in Vietnam. I wish I had more time to get to know Richard.

At the church in Sedona, Richard and Connie took time to light a candle and sit together in the front of the church


But it's OK for everyone else to wait while a loving couple pray together. Duh, you can't rush someone through their prayers.

The problem is I had to make up that time on the schedule.


Third Stop: And I'm not making this up.

Family of three: Mom, Dad, Teenage Daughter. Dad was too big to ride in the van. That's a new one. In 156 Grand Canyon tours I've never had someone bigger than the bus.
He pitched his "I'm -not -too -big, your -van -is -too -small" fit in the parking lot of the hotel, in front of Got and everyone and his wife and daughter.

"I don't want to go if I have to be in this van all day! I thought it would be a full-sized motor coach".

("Dude," I thought, " they don't make motor coaches that size". )

His wife and daughter were already in the van.

I called my boss to tell him the passenger chose NOT to abuse the tires and shock absorbers on my van.

"If he doesn't get in the van he will get NO refund"

"You don't understand what I'm telling you. He can't get in the van."

"Well, what does he want us to do about it?", asks William.

"I don't know," I confessed, "Maybe I can swing by a mine and borrow some earth moving equipment."

The guy was furious that I would dare arrive in a bus that was obviously too little.

His wife and daughter had to slink off the bus.

I knew my boss would be mad that I lost three customers at one stop. But, my Lord, I'm sure I'd need a special license to drive a circus train to Grand Canyon.

Last Stop:

Two retired Australian schoolteachers who were no trouble all day. They call themselves "gray nomads" as that's what they do in their retirement years. Participated well. Asked good questions. Didn't ask for special treatment.

In fact, except for the fact that they tip like Australians, they can come back.

I saw beautiful things and it always refreshes the soul - the problem is my body is tired. Stressers build up and try to overwhelm me. I'm sure that the Pope is surrounded by beauty and inspiration and he gets tired too.

The little foxes spoil the vine.
The worst thing that happened to me today was the thing that cost me the most money ----

An Arizona Sycamore changing to fall colors in Oak Creek Canyon.

I'll say their name -- so the whole world will know.

Papillon Helicopters!

Robert and Susan booked a helicopter trip. ( I get $10 each to deliver them to the airport. )Connie wanted the helicopter trip. Catherine and Don, the Aussies, decided to join. (my commission is $27 for each ticket sold x five tickets! I could have had a great day.)

AFTER I got everyone to the airport and after they all checked in and paid their fee and after I left the airport ( to go take a nap), Connie's family got "bumped" from the flight because it was over-sold. = $81 out of my pocket.


Didn't leave the airport till 30 min. later than usual.... flights late. Chiggers!

On the way home, they begged for two bathroom stops. Chiggers.

Robert said, "It doesn't matter. We'll get there when we get there. " chiggers

Well, guess what, it matters to me.

First home: Aussie's, on whom I made $54 commission from helicopters and who paid me Aussie wages $20 - but, who can come back.

After giving his wife a great birthday, celebrating his marriage, entertaining his son, being patient with their prayer, forgiving his coupon faux-pas, and losing the helicopter commission, Richard handed me $20. I worked 15 hours for three people for $20. Richard, my chiggery friend, keep your dumb wife at home. Don't come back.

Good news. Robert, the pain in the ass muffin eater, paid $40. They can come back, but not soon.

Thank God it finally ended. It wasn't directly bad, I was just so very tired of the little chiggers.

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